Senin, 18 November 2019

Past tense

          Simple past tense is, to declare an act / event that happened in the past / make enormous time has passed and in the know.

Nominal sentence
        (+) S+BE II+ (WAS/WERE)
        (-) S+BE II+ NOT+ (WAS/WERE)
        (?) BE II+ S + (WAS/WERE)
1.     (+) I was very thirsty just now
        (-) I wasn’t very thirsty just now
        (?) Were you very thirsty just now?
                        Yes, I was/No, I wasn’t
2.     (+) I was hungry this morning
        (-) I wasn’t hungry this morning
        (?) Were you hungry this morning?
                        Yes, I was/No, I wasn’t
3      (+) she was a shy girl
        (-) she wasn’t a shy girl
        (?) Were she was a shy girl?
                        Yes, she was/No, she wasn’t
4      (+) they was in Australia
        (-) They wasn’t in Australia
        (+) Were they was in Australia?
                        Yes, they was/No, they wasn’t
5.     (+) Budi was a careless boy
        (-) Budi wasn’t a careless boy
        (?) Were budi was a careless boy?
                        Yes, he was/No, he wasn’t

Verbal Sentence
        (+) S+V II
        (-) S+DID NOT+V I
        (?) DID+S+V I
1.     (+) I cleaned my car on Monday
        (-) I did not clean my car on Monday
        (?) Did you clean your car on Monday?
                        Yes, I did/No, I didn’t
2.     (+) she played chess on Sunday
        (-) She did not play chess on Sunday
        (?) Did she play chess on Sunday?
                        Yes, she did/No, she didn’t
3.     (+) I cleaned my bathroom on Saturday
        (-) I did not clean my bathroom on Saturday
        (?) Did you clean your bathroom on Saturday?
                        Yes, I did/No, I didn’t
4.     (+) He played football on Friday
        (-) He did not play football on Friday
        (?) Did he play football on Friday?
                        Yes, he did/No, he didn’t
5.     (+) we cooked fried rice on Monday
        (-) We did not cook fried rice on Monday
        (?) Did we cook fried rice on Sunday?
                        Yes, we did,/No, we didn’t

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